Why Is This Happening? Exploring history and scandal with Rachel Maddow - NBC News
Dec 17, 2018SUBSCRIBENov. 21, 2018 / 7:31 PM GMTBy Why Is This Happening?Rachel Maddow joins Chris Hayes to talk about her new podcast, how we can use history to make sense of current events, what it’s like to be covering the news in this political moment... and why are you still reading this description — it’s Rachel and Chris! What more do you need to know!RACHEL MADDOW: We're all citizens of a country in which people in the highest-ranking political positions in the country can lie regularly, flagrantly, get caught, even about humiliatingly small and self-serving things, and nothing happens because of it. And that's our life now, that's not just the life of Donald Trump and the life of Kirstjen Nielsen and all these people. That's our lives.CHRIS HAYES: Hello and welcome to “Why Is This Happening?” with me, your host, Chris Hayes. Well, this one's sort of a weird one, or a hard one. It's not weird or hard, it's awesome. But I usually sit down and record the intro to the podcast, and it's like introducing you to some set of concepts for a problem or an intellectual story or a piece of history that we're going to discuss, and making sure that you, the listener, are equipped with the necessary context to get what we're going to get into.But today's guest doesn't — I mean, it's a cliché, but really — need an introduction. Her name is Rachel Maddow. You most likely have heard of her. She is, well, she's my very dear friend, first of all.She hosts the 9 p.m. show on MSNBC, right after mine at 8, and we both work very hard in our little offices where we make our shows every day, but we do get to see each other through the television screen at that handoff at 8:59:30, or 9:00:24 seconds if I'm running late and feeling super guilty, and then obsess over it as I go home. I get to see Rachel Maddow in what we call, in cable news business, the throw. The throw is when I say, "Hey, Rachel. 'The Rachel Maddow Show' starts right now."So, I've been wanting to talk to her on the podcast...